
As technology is evolving quickly, what was relevant one year ago may not be today. This is why we’ve teamed up with Dell XPS to build an ever evolving archive of technology. From photos of the latest trends in tech to every day shots of your beloved laptops and mobile phones — submit your photos to the Technology Topic for a chance to be featured.

silver laptop on brown wooden table
closeup photo of MacBook Air near pencils
white sync cable
black cordless computer mouse on black surface
black and gray camera kit
woman covering her eyes with circuit boards
camera studio set up
low light photography of SLR camera kit
man in black and gray suit action figure
white and black house illustration
blue bottle beside black flat screen tv
silver ipad beside apple magic keyboard and apple magic mouse
blue and black nintendo switch
flat lay photography of watch, smartphone, car fob, and box
black headphones above black box
Apple AirPods
person using MacBok
black and gray rectangular device on brown wooden table
person holding silver iPhone 6
black camera
blue and multicolored pinball machine close-up photography
two pairs of Nintendo Switch controllers
black camera lens
white and black Nintendo Game Boy Color on yellow surface
black iphone 7 plus with white background
black and silver car wheel
black backpack on white box
white earbuds on red iphone case